Thank you for joining me on my very first episode!
I apologize in advance for the poor quality, I'm still learning! Today I talk about my personal step one to the Craft: Personal Philosophy. With a good personal philosophy in place in your life, your actions every day will be in tune with your goals. As you live life in tune with your goals for the future, the opportunity is present for you to take even more action to further yourself on your own personal journey. Join me back next week, as I introduce you to my sisters! We're going to talk about what witchcraft looks like in every day life, and how it ties into what I covered here today.
Healing Magic: A green witches guide to conscious living
Two incredible books, that continue to actively change my life.
Go check out my digital grimoire, where I tag everything to do with witchcraft that I find on tumblr.
Questions, comments, concerns? Don't hesitate to send me an email!
MUSIC DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. It belongs to a fabulous group, BGM cafe. Here is a link to the playlist I used for my intro and outro!