In this podcast, Ken Shamrock and Des talk about how to perform under stress when it matters most.
In the Shark-Tank like segment called “Lion’s Cage,” Des and Ken review Pocket Shot the ONLY circular slingshot manufacturer in the world. This cool weapon is good for kids and adults and perfect for pack packers and preppers.
During ‘Story Time with Ken,’ Ken tells a story about his dear mother and all she means to him.
The “World’s Most Dangerous Podcast,” hosted by UFC Hall of Famer and 4-time Heavyweight World Champion, Ken Shamrock, and his savvy business partner, and entrepreneur, Des W Woodruff.
The World’s Most Dangerous podcast is where MMA and pro wrestling meets business. A podcast where combat sports and entrepreneurial opportunities collide. It’s a dangerous podcast with projected discussions on many socially unacceptable topics, such as religion, sex, politics, and almost anything taboo.