Is the media coverage of foreign policy focusing on states’ behavior to, purposely, dehumanize people? How mainstream, traditional and social media coverages of international conflicts are influenced by and/or can influence too: People, States & Systems?
How complex is the experience of covering human rights violations, defense and protection? Can media coverages of human rights violations and mass crimes vary depending on the diplomatic, economic, religious and cultural ties of the countries’ news companies, journalists and editors are from, based on or respond to?
Are states foregoing Humanitarian Intervention and R2P mechanisms because economic, diplomatic and religious ties with private or third party actors triumph over, or come at the expense of, the suffering of “other” people?
Which human stories of conflict, justice, peace and memory become top news and why others aren’t? Where are these stories being told and who is paying attention, ridiculing, ignoring or censuring them?
A Spanish-language interview with Marta Saiz, freelance human rights journalist with more than a decade of experience covering conflict, migration and human rights stories in Iran, Greece, Palestine, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay; winner of the 2021 Premio de periodismo de migración laboral of the International Labour Organization.
Listen to related episodes
32. Mendy Marsh and Chiderah Monde on COVID-19 & Humanitarian Aid System Collapse
76. War Journalism's Effect On Us
86. Chloé Meulewaeter on Global Military Spending & Demilitarization Efforts
165. Rachel Winny on the Rise of Disinformation & Conflict Escalation
174. Social Media Warfare Effects On Us
Web Links
IG: @marsaime
TW: @martasaiz
Luana Malheiro: “En Brasil, la guerra contra las drogas es contra las personas pobres y negras”
Chile: “El amor y la solidaridad entre mujeres fue clave para sobrevivir”
Las rebeldes de Irán
Lesbos, vivir en la desembocadura del horror y la guerra
Casa Frida, un espacio seguro para migrantes LGBTIQ+ en México
El teatro como herramienta de resistencia en Palestina
Cuidar la tierra para cuidar la vida: la resistencia de las mujeres rurales en Palestina
Cuando salir del armario (en Honduras) significa rechazo, violencia, ruptura con el hogar y muerte
Victoria Sandino: "Toda mi vida he sido rebelde"