Another fantastic year to look forward to ....What are your intentions for the year? Are you letting the "R" word get you down or....are you like me and refuse to claim that in your household?
Listen in as my unstoppable woman of power inspirational speaker from Powerful You Network Sue Urda, speaks to us about The Power of Intentions - How to Live in Joy,Grace and Ease. In this interview you'll learn The power of choice and how to harness it
The six steps to manifesting your intention and desires
How to be the deliberate creator of your life through simple actions .
You'll definitely want to sit down after hearing this powerful interview and set your intentions for the rest of the year....make sure you share this with a friend.
Attention boomer women coming Tuesday February 24th join me for Powerful You tele-network call.... Topic:Broad Cast Your Passion … 7 Fast Action Steps to Podcasting Your Business. Go here now to register
You'll discover:
What exactly is Podcasting
- Why every business owner needs to be podcasting
…especially during the recession
-How podcasting your business will make
you a celebrity in your industry
-The many ways to monetize from a radio show or podcast without changing much of what you are currently doing .
- The insider secrets that others are using to establish
themselves as the obvious expert in their field
Enjoy the show!