On this episode, Executive General Manager, Capacity Building at the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Dr. Samone McCurdy joins our Deloitte host, Pip Dexter, for a discussion on the data that highlights the current gender equity gap in the energy and resources industry.
We hear insights across several themes, including the gender pay gap, workforce composition, number of women on boards, executive teams and governing bodies, flexible working arrangements, along with how women are feeling in the workplace and the critical workplace and societal factors that are impacting that sentiment.
Samone and Pip also discuss the opportunity for the industry to implement change, and specific actions and recommendations for organisations to close the gap.
This is an important discussion, and one not to be missed.
Learn more about Women Transforming Energy & Resources: https://deloi.tt/3AD9wEo
Connect with the speakers:
Dr Samone McCurdy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-samone-mccurdy-69a2398/
Pip Dexter: https://www.deloitte.com/cbc/en/about/people/profiles.pidexter+4879bd85.html