After being terminated from the company she had been working at for the last 10 years as an "underperformer," this social innovator's journey of redefining her identity, moving past failures and learning to put her own health first is something that every woman should listen to.
Sanju Pal is a social innovator and an advocate for the fair treatment of women with endometriosis in the workplace. She is an ex teacher, and now works as the founder of RISE, a charity who support the education of disadvantaged young people through unique programmes in the UK and India.
I met Sanju years ago on a panel for Marie Claire where we were talking about the art of having a 'side hustle' in 2018.
Through her experiences with workplace discrimination, she shares some invaluable insights about workplace law and culture, and the way in which we prioritise work over ourselves.
In this episode, we talk about Sanju's struggles with endometriosis and disability discrimination, and the issues with workplace law and culture that she has experienced.
We discuss putting your health first, being true to yourself, doing meaningful work and tackling failure.