Today we are starting a new series called Tangible Kingdom. It’s based off a small group study where the premise is how to live an incarnational life and how to live in missional community.
And you may ask, well what exactly does that mean? It’s actually a harkening back to the early church ways. And it’s a different than what most of us know.
Most of us have come to understand church as a place where we come and sit in a service, where we experience programs and receive ministry. In fact, that’s been the primary model of church for the last 50 years at least, come and receive. You may have heard it called an “attractional model” of church.
But that way of being church is no longer effective; it really isn’t. And that was never the missional purpose of the church. We are called to GO and DO, not come and take, yes? We are called to be missional people.