What an honor to interview the legendary Renee Hecker aka “Wing It Mom” aka One True North Life Coaching…
A sweet, inspiring woman, law of attraction life coach, motivational content creator, mother of 12 and widower to her late husband Nathan Hecker.
Renee wears many hats in life, but what I am most inspired by is the wise, heart-centered human that she is.
She is a well of wisdom, full of resources and tools to support her clients in creating a life that they absolutely adore, experiences ranging across the board from partnership to parenting to home birthing, homesteading and homeschooling + tons of motivational golden nuggets in which she did not hold back on this episode
Renee generously shared about her incredibly unique & loving relationship with her late husband, Nathan. She spoke to the true ins and outs of their very real partnership & how her and Nathan made it through some really bumpy times in their experience together as well as some of their sweet memories as a couple and as parents.
In 2020, Nathan was killed a tragic work accident, which left the whole Hecker family to grieve the loss of their sweet, strong and supportive chief. Renee sat down with her family and said, “Lets live our lives to honor him” and that became their motto.
We touched on so many topics such as
The law of attraction and how it worked for her and manifesting her relationship with Nathan in the first place
Healthy dynamics of a strong and healthy partnership
Letting go of control & trusting in the full spectrum of lessons that life has to offer
How they made it through some really tough times and stuck together
How Renee processed the grief of Nathan’s loss and ‘found love again’ in a whole new way
I left this episode feeling so connected, hopeful and blasted open to the possibilities that this life has to offer understanding the power of gratitude ESPECIALLY when navigating grief
You can connect with Renee and learn more about her coaching by visiting her website:
And on social media via:
Exciting news: Renee is coming to PHX for a live event + Q&A. Meet and here from her in person by grabbing your ticket at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/one-true-north-live-with-renee-hecker-tickets-741644507687?aff=oddtdtcreator
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