In episodes 1 - 8 we've heard a great deal about the team at , in episode 9 we hear from them. In this episode, we are joined by several people working with Cantium to discuss how they have adapted to home working during the COVID-19 lockdown. As usual hosts the podcast and is joined by regulars, , CEO at Cantium, and , Executive Head of HR. Participating for the first time are , Senior Recruitment Advisor, , Group Architecture Manager, and Solutions Manager, . Each of the contributors is living in very different circumstances. So, there is a good cross-section of experiences during the lockdown. Interestingly, one of the team, Gavin Whalley has joined the business since lockdown started, so he talks about the onboarding process and how he has dealt with joining the company in these circumstances. Pete Thistleton is also very open about the challenges of him and his wife working from home with three young children, one of which has Cystic Fibrosis. In addition, Gill Nye reveals findings from the staff survey, which is an interesting insight into how the personnel are coping and what they miss about life in the office.