Welcome to the Working Millennial Women podcast. I am your host, Nikita. Today I would like you to join me and Sara, who lives across the pond in London. Sara shares some of the struggles she’s had to overcome as a single, Muslim female living in the UK and who is crushing the adulting game. She shares stories of how her dark skin has impacted her personal life and the struggles to overcome cultural expectations of being a wife and mother.
Thanks for listening to the eighth episode of the Modern Muslimah series.
I want to thank Sara for this episode. We were dealing with an 8hr difference in time and then after we spoke for 2hrs, I realized we were not recording! Whoops. So Sara was nice enough to record the whole episode again. Without her words of encouragement, I would not have been able to complete this episode at all! So thank you Sara.
For those of you who have been loyal listeners to this podcast since it’s inception, you have probably been wondering where the heck has Nikita been? Well, just like you all and all the women who have been a part of this podcast journey, I too struggle with being able to find the time to do everything I want to and need to do. Over the last few weeks, I have been overwhelmed with three jobs in three different states, packing to move from Texas, making the drive from Texas to Brooklyn, unpacking in Brooklyn, interviewing for fellowship and that’s just to name a few. Unfortunately, I had to make some space in my schedule to accommodate all these things and this hobby podcast had to be put on the back burner.
Well now that we’re all settled from the move, I’ve matched into surgical critical care fellowship and I have reduced the number of states I have to travel to for work. I'm back with a whole bunch of guests and ideas for this show! I’m excited to dive right back in.
I want to thank you for choosing to listen to this podcast. If you’re enjoying the content, please share it with your friends and family. This podcast can be found anywhere podcasts are available. Please remember to subscribe or follow the podcast so you can be updated on new episodes. Thank you so much!!
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