On today’s show, we have a conversation with working mom Chloe Bass, whose overarching mission in life is to help others. This is evident in the work she does, both at her 9-5 and in her side hustle business.
By day, Chloe works for an NGO ensuring food safety and empowering women around the globe. After earning her undergraduate degree (she double majored in Biblical Studies and Communications), she worked in foster care in New York City, where she discovered that she enjoyed working with women from other countries. She then went on to earn her advanced degree in International Administration and after graduating, ended up in her current role. Chloe has been working full-time for this NGO for the past 6 years. Although this position is a typical 40 hour per week job, she has some flexibility. She works a 9/80 schedule, where she works 80 hours in 9 days, with a day off every other week.
After her son was born, Chloe was genuinely surprised by the lack of support and resources to help new moms with juggling their newfound responsibilities as a mom along with their 9-5 day job. She created her coaching side business, "Making Working Motherhood Work", to fill the void.
In this episode, I talk to Chloe about how she got the idea to start her coaching business, how she got her first client, her marketing tactics, how she got her first speaking engagement at a conference and her #1 working mom hack!
If you’ve ever struggled with not knowing how you’ll find your first client or your first gig, and you need some inspiration, you need to listen to this episode!