Have you ever found yourself struggling to get a good night's sleep - and not just for a time or two but for nights on end? The weight of our work as leaders and responsibilities of our personal lives can be enough to steal our rest for sure. Many times there is something far deeper at work - a question that haunts us and makes us doubt our very core - Is this all there is? It's an unnerving thought but one that's actually pretty common for driven leaders who are constantly striving to be their best yet wonder what is the purpose in all the work we do and is there something to experience in our leadership journey? The good news is yes, there is more.
Elise Mitchell, CEO, Mitchell Communications Group, CEO, Dentsu Aegis Network, has asked these same questions and has found some powerful answers that have changed the way that she works, lives and loves those around her. Most importnatly, she's learned there is far more than simply striving for and reaching the destination.