Message from my sponsors: Here it is, bois! Yet another milestone episode! You can pay me over at Patreon, Twitch, Youtube, Kickstarter etc etc etc haha. Let's get that scrilla!
Notice! I used that scratchy ass sounding jacket. It’s annoying but there’s no way I’ll rerecord this episode which was hyper-focused. Riplolwuh
The very first WoW podcast, "Dictaphone Sessions", that I recorded was recorded back in 2012. What a journey this has been! WoW Life
Huge change in mindset this season even when I thought I'd let it be and focus on season 2 instead. RBGs, seeing rating on correct character @ Check PVP, why the feeling of completion is crucial the more I want to compete, how I can gain rating fast if I play, leading RBGs, recording games off-stream, analyse on-stream
Deciding on a new Sub build (Avidance main RBG build) where I skip Secret Technique which I love, but that does AoE and use Echoing Reprimand instead for single target, saving energy and building combo points and doing damage instantly after using Cheap Shots during Shadow Dance. I use the same keybind for Cheap Shot and Echoing
RBGs is the real drug, practicing specific drills after watching Avidance during my downtimes at home a lot lately. Doing simple analysis on the fly. Rewinding videos when needed for specific breakdowns of what happened and in which order, seeing a lot of Rogue tricks in action that he does habitually
Zooming the camera closer to my Rogues in WoW helps with things like Gouge, positioning and many other things. Actually seeing the enemy's front being visible clearer makes split-decision making easier and with Rogue every split-second is extremely important. It's not like healing with a Rasta Druid haha
Take care out there I Love You
WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned
Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster
HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster
WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main
Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight) Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons
Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now I’m inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it’s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change. It actually feels a lot like the old internet did and I value that a lot. Time tells if I start a project there