The next episode of WoWcrowd is headlined by Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson. As former Minister for Small Business, Bruce shares his unique insights of the industry, and the role of accountants and advisers in supporting small business through the economic recovery of 2021.
Shedding further insights into all things small business and advisory related is our all star expert panel - Daniel Tramontana, COO of BGL, Rebecca Mihalic, Director of Business Depot and Andy Fenton, Director of Fenton Financial.
This is a great episode, particularly for those with small business clients, covering actionable methods to boost these vital enterprises. Our host Chris Ridd highlights thought provoking points, including the opportunities and barriers facing Australia's economic recovery and the roles of technology and policy in this.
Financial advisers and accountants, you won’t want to miss this stellar episode.