I have posted out a new podcast today, how we address some key news topics, articles, and some of the associated risks around WordPress and Information Security for businesses.
We will talk about the Ransomware and phishing attacks that have been hitting the masses on daily basis. We will also so into the recent WordPress Zero Day that affected the most recent WordPress version 4.7. Hang
on for the fun!
In this podcast, we are going to be covering the following:
* [NEWS] Ransomware is now hitting door locks, locking people out of their hotel rooms! Giddy up!
* [RANSOMWARE] A county in the US (Ohio) had to shut down its entire IT infrasctructre due to ranswomware! Holy Cow!
* [NEWS] Paypal Users are targeted in a super sophisticated phishing scam…I hate sardines!
* [BUSINESS] Here is an interesting fraud scheme using W-2’s and CEO phishing….be warned this is double whammy!
* [NEWS] Brian Krebs never lets you down…great post on Russia and cyber spies. Like I say the downside is pretty harsh!
* [WORDPRESS] Interesting article on Tripwire form Graham Cluley about the recent WordPress Zero-Day!
Other associated links and resources mentioned in today’s show:
* [VULN] Update your Netgear routers to the most current firmware poo or get shwacked!
* [NEWS] Tax fraud is now upon us and @bkrebs has a good post on crooks stealing W-2 Tax info, Stay Frosty!
* [FRESH] Torque Toons has a great post on using Alexa with putting out a Post! Alexa is a game changer!
* [NEWS] Facebook recently announced tech that could change the abilty to recover an account without Password
* [NEWS] Hack the Pentagon…a story near an dear to my heart! @gcluley had a good post about this…good read.
* [RANSOMWARE] It appears Cerber, not Gerber smoked all other ransomware over the holidays.
I hope you enjoyed the podcast and it provides you value securing your business and WordPress site!
Listen on iTunes, don’t forget to subscribe to the show!
I know you will enjoy this episode.
Thank you for listening!
“WordPress Security Daily”
BONUS – Don’t forget you can use the content in the podcast/training for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit!