
新星宇控股集团国际专题片Mixdown Demo

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Established in 2006, Firstar Holdings Group Limited is one of the leadingand well-known propertydevelopers in Changchun, Jilin Province, focusing on providing qualityresidental properties with commercial properties and ancillary facilities forcustomers. Our vision is to become a “leading community operatorpromoting happiness in life by continuously providing values for customers”, and we are committed to becoming a propertydeveloper with national footprint.


As a propeller of the urban renewal, we devoteourselves to improving city infrastructure, public service and quality ofliving.



Competitive strengths – keep up withthe national strategies development, couple with urban renewal

Nationwide presence, focus on key regions


We are a fast-growing comprehensive property developer in China, focusingon the development of high-quality residential properties in certain regions inChina. Our products are mainly oriented in residential properties, and also includevarious types of projects, such as commercial and tourism. As of December 31, 2020,we had a total of 38 property projects at various stages of development.


After 15 years of development, we have achieved a leading market positionin Jilin Province, and contributed to urban renewal. We are headquartered inChangchun City, Jilin Province. Since 2016, we entered a stage of high-speeddevelopment and began to expand our business to important national strategicdevelopment regions, key national-level city cluster as well as economiccircles. By implementing our “national presence strategy centered on five majorregions”, we have established 5 regional companies in Northern Region, HuabeiRegion, Huazhong Region, Huadong Region and Huanan Region. Our business spread acrossHarbin-Changchun City Cluster, Shandong Peninsula City Cluster,Midstream Yangtze City Cluster, Yangtze River Delta City Cluster, Greater BayArea, Northern Bay City Cluster and other key regions, covering 10 cities within6 provinces in the PRC, achieving a nationwide presence.

风雨前行15载,新星宇控股集团获得了社会各界的认可:  2014-2019连续6年销售面积及销售额都在长春市当地开发商中排名第一,(于20162017年获得「中国房地产开发企业200强测评榜单」;自2015年起至2020年获「中国房地产开发企业品牌价值测评榜单——品牌价值东北10强」)2021年,新星宇控股集团获授「2021中国房地产200强」,位列第129名。

After all the winds and rains in the past 15 years, Firstar Holdings Grouphas gained recognition from different fields: From 2014 to 2019, We rankedfirst in terms of both contracted area and amounts of sales for 6 consecutiveyears among local property developers in Changchun . (In 2016 and 2017, We were awarded Best 200 ofChina Real Estate Developers. From 2015 to 2020, we were awarded Top 10 ofChina Real Estate Developers Brand Value in the Northeastern Region.) In2021, According to the China Real Estate Index System ,Firstar Holdings Group alsoranked 129thin the Top 200 China Real Estate Enterprises.



Competitive strengths – long term developmentwith strong momentum

Diversified strategies, ample landreserves


In accordance with national and regional real estate market policies, wepersist in a diversified land acquisition strategy to enrich and optimize ourland reserves and support our business growth. We acquire land parcels in theprimary market through transfer process in the primary market or acquire equityinterests or investments in companies that hold land parcels or has urban renewalprojects. Also, we jointly acquire land parcels with our third-party businesspartners.


At present, Firstar Holdings Group has a strategic land reserve of morethan 4 million sq.m and a land reserve of nearly 13 million sq.m for urbanrenewal and redevelopment projects .



Competitive strengths – leading communityoperator promoting happiness in life by continuously providing values for

our customers

High-quality products, attentiveservice


Adhere to the design concept of people-oriented and continuous innovation,our architectural design can return to the essence of customer needs. Weprovide comprehensive products to meet different demands of our targetcustomers. We have developed four main product series – “Zhi Series, He Series,Fu Series and Shijia Series”. We carry out continuous product optimization andinnovation, and offer high quality customer experience in order to enhance our competitivenessand build our brand reputation. Our target is to become a leading real estatedeveloper in China, which provides high-quality products.


The first-class estate management service of our property has won wide recognitionin the industry.



Competitive strengths – standardized andefficient operation and management model

Efficient management and excellent team


We implement standardized and efficient businessmanagement method and has established a three-tier organizational structure withour headquarters, regional division and project companies. The achievements weobtained and our future development prospects rely on our quality and theexperience of our management team. We own an experienced and visionarymanagement team with an average of more than 20 years of experience in the real estateindustry.


(Dr. Lu Xin, Chairlady, CEO and executive Director, responsiblefor formulating overall development and investment strategies of our Group)


(Mr. Wang Guanghui, Executive Director, responsible for businessoperation, strategic development and capital market activities of our Group)


(Ms. Wang Yuhua, Executive Director and joint companysecretary, responsible for the financial management and company secretarialmatters of our Group)


Our revenue increased from RMB 4787.33 million in 2018 to RMB 4865.63million in 2019 to RMB ***** million in 2020.


Our net profit increased from RMB 508.33 million in 2018 to RMB 535.56million in 2019,****** achieving a stable increase.


We will continue to deepen the “national presence strategy centered on fivemajor regions” and strengthen our market position in the 5 regions. Besides, wewill continue to acquire urban renewal projects and actively expand ourbusiness to high potential cities, further optimize product structures, update servicesand enhance brand values. Through standardized management and comprehensiveoperation model, we will improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, establisha competitive salary system and continue to build a talent team. Furthermore, wewill continue to establish diversified financing channels and improve the capitalstructure. In addition, we will insist on providing a pleasant livingenvironment and empowering a better life!

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陈飞扬国际专题片系列By 陈飞扬英语配音大师