Lent is a time where we are called to renew our baptismal promises, and deepen our spiritual life. Lent is a call to change. But when we promise to make these great sacrifices and take up more prayer and service, we might find ourselves falling every now and then. It can be difficult to make this change. In this podcast, Simone Fernandes from Sydney, speaks about how we can commit to change during Lent.
"I’ll be honest with you, as a kid I dreaded Lent. I found it difficult to think of something to give up, there was more prayer time at school and I knew that at the end of the whole 40 days I’d have to go to church for three consecutive long services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. I just didn’t get it! Since then, I’ve learnt more about my faith and have come to understand and embrace all the different aspects of it. Nowadays, I jump at the chance to enter into Lent; I now know that it’s good for me and that it’s especially good for my relationship with the One who created me.
One of my favourite aspects of the Lenten season is that we have the opportunity to be changed and transformed. We get to allocate 40 days to going deeper and experiencing a small part of Jesus’ sacrifice with Him by our side. We get to give up things that may have taken hold in our lives and take on new habits that help us to draw closer to God. It’s committing to change not just for Lent but letting habits of gratitude, discipline and prayer take root within us. It is during this time that we can truly empty ourselves so that God can fill us. Lent is the perfect excuse to challenge ourselves, following the footsteps of our Lord who spent 40 days in the desert.
Lent can be life-changing! So how do we enter into Lent and commit ourselves to being transformed over this time? Here are 7 ways to commit to change during Lent."
Intro Music: Y=MX+B by Peppy & The Firing Squad (CC BY-NC-SA)