We still have wild lions in Nigeria, not just in zoos. They survive in 2 wonderful sites: Kainji Lake National Park and Yankari Game Reserve. But lions in Nigeria are 'critically endangered' and in danger of extinction. As the giant of Africa, Nigeria needs wild lions.
West African lions have declined by more than 60% over the last 20 years and are now classified as critically endangered. There is a significant risk that lions will go extinct in Nigeria without concerted action.
Formerly widespread across northern Nigeria, today lions survive in only two sites in the country: Kainji Lake National Park and Yankari Game Reserve.
More than 90% of the lion’s original range has now been lost across Africa. The main threats facing lions today are: habitat loss and degradation, reduction of wild prey and retaliatory and other illegal killing of lions. Habitat loss has led to some populations becoming small and isolated, especially in West Africa.
It is estimated that fewer than 50 lions survive in Nigeria.
This decline is due to increasing human populations, and the spread of subsistence and commercial-scale agriculture; latterly, climate change is also playing a role, and corridors connecting populations are being lost due to the spread of development, agriculture, and of large infrastructure projects. This has led to some populations becoming small and isolated, especially in West Africa.