The more we can pause, let go of our story lines that feel like they are protecting us - stories of how we won't have enough, be enough or there isn't enough - we realize just how good life actually is already and always. Pause anytime to practice gratitude and notice the joy it sparks. The more often we pause, the more often we savor and appreciate the little things, the more relaxed in our lives, our skin, our surroundings we become and the more joy and appreciation we have. Life moves fast. Let's enjoy it.
Grace, Peace & Namaste friends!
Thank you so much for listening. If this meditation benefits you at all, you want to see it continue or help others, please become a part of making it possible. Donate $1 to support the work at
I'm so grateful for you taking the time to do this, for yourself, for your heart, and also for all of those around you who will benefit from you being a more relaxed, joyful, calm, grateful human being. Together, we can change our worlds.
If you have any questions or want to go deeper, please visit
I highly recommend your reading Brene Brown's book The Gifts of Imperfection where she goes into the research behind gratitude and how it increases our joy and changes our lives.