A Muse's Daydream: Creative Journeys to the Present Moment

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This episode is a momentary departure from the usual frivolity for reverie of the inspiration, relaxation, and the possibility of creativity.
Script and Poster of the poem is available to purchase at this link.
"Don't let the future hold your happiness hostage."  ~Sam Harris

Workshop: Blessing of the New Year
Join me in a complimentary workshop called Blessing of the New Year, on December 27th, 12pm pacific time/ 3pm eastern. 

 Welcome 2024 by creating a simple blessing with inspiration from poet, David Whyte and your own intuition. For writers and non-writers alike. Included in this workshop is a new year guided meditation to spark a creative relationship with yourself to last throughout the year.

 I'll also talk about one of my biggest concern and frequently seen challenges... not enjoying what you're doing or feeling enough.

 There’s a lot of areas where I could use improve: organization, a balanced social life, politeness to name a few.   But the moment is mine to believe it’s perfect as is AND I can make small improvements without needing to be perfect. 

 Despite irritability, bad hair, and a non-linear journey to get here, my current existence is crackerjack. I’ll share the five practices to which I credit this most wonderful phenomenon.  Register here
Let's Talk About Creativity

Saturday, January 13 9:30 am pac,10:30mtn, 11:30 cen 12pm eastern  

The Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training was recognized by Life Coaching Magazine as the best creativity coaching available. Now the tools and approaches that won it that honor are shared monthly, starting in January in a Zoom Session called Let's Talk About Creativity. We will talk about ways to get through procrastination and talk about what we love about what we do. Free to members of The Underground. 

 Wild Abandon Writing Workshop on Zoom

4 weeks starting January 10 3-4:30 pacific time
You know all those prompts in my books? We will be doing some of those and other wacky prompts. We start with raw materials in the form or words and phrases and collage them together

Writing workshop info here

 Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training:

17-week training on Zoom beginning Monday, January 21

Whether you want to help others or understand the power of your own creativity when mindfulness, compassion, intuition, and small steps is in the mix, come find out why this training was recognized by Life Coaching Magazine as the best creativity coaching training. Filling fast. More info here


Art and Creativity Walk in Italy - I'm so excited about this.. We will be using mindfulness and creativity through art, smart photography, and writing to add to the enchantment and appreciation of the Italian Riviera. October 2024

Hope you can join me... it's half full .

Support the show

Upcoming art and creativity programs www.themuseisin.com

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A Muse's Daydream: Creative Journeys to the Present MomentBy jill badonsky

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