Do all childfree people dislike children? That’s definitely not the case for Lukas and Suhei! Their choice to be childfree has been both an adventure and a process. Having already traveled to various parts of the world, they don’t have plans to stop anytime soon. Lukas and Suhei are passionate about living purposefully, sustainably, and advocating for the single most effective action that benefits the world at large – choosing childfree.
Keep up with us via You Had Me at Childfree email updates
You Had Me at Childfree website
United Nations’ Contraception Use by Method 2019
Effectiveness of Contraceptive Methods
Women are Happier Without Children or a Spouse, Says Happiness Expert
Marital Satisfaction Across the Transition to Parenthood
World Population Balance
UNFPA State of World Population. The power of choice - Reproductive Rights and the Demographic Transition
Population: The Multiplier of Everything Else
Travel Masters – Lukas and Suhei’s YouTube Channel
Choosing to be childfree opens a world of possibilities - joys and adventures, but also a few challenges in a society that’s behind the curve in accepting and celebrating the childfree choice.
In You Had Me at Childfree, Erika Arias speaks with couples about their unique romantic trajectories that have led towards the decision to opt out of parenthood. This is a series about liberating more people to choose a life that is most genuine to them, and to celebrate a choice that challenges antiquated perspectives about gender, sex, love, and what it means to be a real family in society. Discussion topics include but are not limited to: health, wellness, love, professional life, sex, contraception, and relationship satisfaction over time.
This series highlights the benefits of life in the childfree lane, and corrects misassumptions about childfree couples – to increase societal acceptance of all childfree individuals, whether they have found their soulmate, are in search of childfree love, or are happily single and childfree. Acceptance of all marginalized lifestyles and identities is crucial in a world that needs more equality, and less alienation, less internalized oppression, and less disconnection from personal values.
Special thanks to ArtofAlyse for our excellent podcast graphics