Once I have ____ then I will do ____...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. The end game, that big picture you see in your mind that you would accomplish by your old age..Do it now.
We can be fooled soooo easily into a path we would find minor happiness, and success in life. Most of us are able to do many career choices if we choose. And some A minus careers are sooo tempting. They offer much of the comforts we are taught to love...Ring Ring..What is calling you then..Calling you for deep inside your being..calling you to be that person, and calling you to do what you know you can to... change the world.
I see my end path, and I choose to “change” towards that person now. It will take growth and “change” and I am ready. Since we only live once in life, I want to take this path. It’s like a 2nd life within a life...Leaving the comforts and dream of your current life, to explore another exciting life. Once you “change” inside and then you “change” the world. So my brother and Sister, change the world, change your inside.
Visit www.TeTeEspresso.com to see pictures of the kids in the orphanages.