B I G Baybay! ...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a Castbox original, I’m TeTe. Here we are, 4 weeks from have a going away party.
Everything is changing so fast, it is so welcomed. Last night I even watched 51 video tutorials on a platform called “Teamwork” to coordinate my assistants daily projects and tasks. It’s a go mode firing on all cylinders...Not noticing what time it is, or how many hours are being put in of work...simply doing as much as I can, with all of those skills I have been preaching here the last year, to make sure my body and mind get freshen up once an hour, at least..By dancing, taking a walk, a nap, meditation... All of this is go mode for the bigger life.
Here are the 5 things I chant daily, probably 20 times a day..... “I forgive myself, I am worthy, I take action now, Abundance, faith.” “You forgive yourself, You am worthy, You take action now, Abundance, faith.” “We forgive ourselves, We am worthy, We take action now, Abundance, faith.” “I forgive myself, I am worthy, I take action now, Abundance, faith.”
“I forgive myself, I am worthy, I take action now, Abundance, faith.”
“I forgive myself, I am worthy, I take action now, Abundance, faith.”
“I forgive myself, I am worthy, I take action now, Abundance, faith.”