What the hell would you do, if you knew today was your last day to live? ..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. There are many interviews with people over 100 giving their secrets for a great life.. Google it Batch..
Let this thought dominate your life. Use it as the fuel to the vehicle you have chosen to life your dream life. Live right now...and think of your personal dream existence. Work your way backwards in time, and events, in your imagination, and arrive to right now...What could you do right now, on your smartphone, that could move your towards living fully. Living so fully that you might not even be here tomorrow to live it. So fully..
I fully live now, you fully live now, we fully live now...Fill up your cup today. With laughter, focused thriving work towards your dreams, forgiving the past, earning that extra dollar, meditating, going dancing tonight. Sign up for the specialty school for your new career, take that walk around the block, call someone you love. And more importantly..Allow yourself to visual, with emotion, your ideal existence. And declare...This is our current reality.