Be do have be do have Be do have...Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a CastBox original, I’m TeTe. It’s not the craziest tongue twister, it does have it weight in gold memorizing it...
Saying the magic formula of life 5 times fast isn’t too particularly difficult. Be do have be do have be do have be do have be do have. When you want to have the things in life, you first have to do the things to have the things, and before doing, you must mentally BE the person who does the things. Get this formula right, and it applies to all areas of your life. Everything. Health, money, good family member or good friend, starting a philanthropy life style..anything..Simply Be, do, have... And it’s done.
Hey there kids, do it with me..”Be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have.” Everything you could want la la la la la. ”Be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have.”... Who wants magic? You want magic la la la la la, “”Be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have.” let’s run it to the end everybody..”Be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have, be do have.......