I used to take brand deals of free products in exchange for free marketing…
Young Boss, maybe you don’t have 1 Million Instagram followers or 100k, but maybe you are one of the most influential people in your town!
I used to post photos on Instagram just for fun… I have transition from that to getting free products to having a month booked worth of brand deals in posts and stories.
So how I turned into making money on social media was a funny story… Because I was not looking at it as a business and I was just having fun! It is never about a popularity contest, if you focus on making money and growing your numbers as your main priority, you’re going to FAIL!
You have to enjoy what you are doing first, post genuine content and most of all have a good engagement!
Yes yes! I understand if you got 100k followers and 1k likes is not the same amount of revenue as 20k followers and 1k likes… The Industry is shifting, brands are starting to notice is not about the number of people that follow you but more about the amount of those people that stays true to you and supports you and buys because of you!
I have noticed these minor changes with great brands like Forever 21 with the New York City event in which every influencer there that I know of had less than 20k followers… Once again they all had great engagement!
When I began to “make money” or get free things! I began to like it and want more of it, I started to broad my surroundings and wanted to grow my numbers and be the A list influencer… But at these events these people would be extremely happy on a story post and just sit on a corner on their phone but never network!
I had to learn the difference between the hype and what I was genuinely passionate about… I thought posting bikini photos was fun but when I started to truly get real and posting micro blog captions actually was helping people.
This is when I built a real niche, I always get DMs from girls who have gone through similar experiences and that’s what keeps me going. I had to sit down and consult the universe to switch out everything and give away a change and when I did that is when I began to build trust. I enjoyed writing so much that it lead me to doing my podcast itself and writing blogs with it too because I know there are different types of people, some love to multitask and listen and there are others who like to sit down and read a blog.
In order to get brand deals, after building your personal brand and niche, you need to be real, be a human, ask for their budget, don’t be afraid to define where you shine and put a number on it!
When you send out an email to reach out to a brand only write a couple sentences about yourself, the brand does not care about how the collaboration is going to help you, they want to see a turnout on the money they are spending on you based off how it will help them! If your intention is to sit at home on your phone and take a pic in your backyard is different than actually making a connection with somebody.
I’d say as my takeaway is to make an email draft. When you do so there are many steps to take in order to land the brand deals:
1. Introduce yourself (name, handle, followers, blog, YouTube and any other platform).
2. Tell them your REAL analytics and engagement.
3. Explain why you are different than the 1,000 emails they received today (e.g. mine is usually my curly hair).
4. Give them options of what you can do the help them gain sales (stories, videos, IGTV, blog).
5. Tell them an average of your price and ask for their budget. ( they understand you have rent to pay!)
6. Say thank you and tell them you will be reaching out again in a week!
Once you have this down and break through that wall the main thing is communication. Don’t be that person sitting on their phone in a corner of a networking event!
My free gift to you is my freebie social media checklist to get this plan started for you!
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