Let's talk about sex!
As an international student, moving to Australia can be challenging but also exciting. Many people have sex and enjoy having sex. But it may be tricky to talk about and find help for your sexual health in a new country. This podcast contains 3 parts. In part 1, we talk about masturbation and self-pleasure. In part 2, we talk about having safe and enjoyable sex and sexual health services in Australia. In part 3, we talk about contraception and abortion. Resources and services that were mentioned and used to make this podcast are all found below. This podcast is a conversation by students, for students. It’s not professional medical or legal advice, and it does not represent the views of Monash University.
Sexual health resources & services:
Monash University Health Service at Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula campuses. Caulfield Campus Clinic offers free 15-minute health check for international students (https://www.monash.edu/health/medical-services)
Family Planning Victoria: 1800 013 952 (www.fpv.org.au/)
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre: (03) 9341 6200 (www.mshc.org.au/Home/tabid/1077/Default.aspx)
Thorne Harbour Health Centre Clinic is a queer friendly Clinic. (03) 9525 5866 (https://thorneharbour.org/lgbti-health/centre-clinic/)
Marie Stope's telehealth service: 1300 863 546
Life Line: 13 11 146
I had one too: https://ihadonetoo.com.au/
1800 My Options: 1800 696 784
Monash Pharmacy: located at the Campus Centre, Clayton Campus
Resources in other languages and in plain English:
Plain English Fact Sheets (www.fpv.org.au/resources/easy-english)
Sexual health fact sheets in other languages (www.fpnsw.org.au/health-information/individuals/non-english-speaking/fact-sheets-community-languages)
Health Translations (www.healthtranslations.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcht.nsf)
Interpreters in Victoria (www.1800myoptions.org.au/)
Resources used to develop this podcast:
Martin F, Qin C, Douglass C, Lim M, El-Hayek C. 2019. Intimate attitudes, knowledges and practices: Chinese-speaking international students in Australia, The University of Melbourne and The Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
Reeders, D. (2011) Responding to Diversity: Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of International Students. Melbourne: Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health.
The University of British Columbia. ‘Sex and sexual health’. Retrieved from: https://students.ubc.ca/health/health-topics/sex-sexual-health
Speakers: Kanwal Saleem (Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health), Shu Kwan Fung, Hui Dong, Sasha Hermosa, Ridmi Dolamulla
Producers: Sasha Hermosa, Ridmi Dolamulla, Fiona Marshall (Respectful Communities, Monash University)
Sound: Thomas Lidgerwood (Radio Monash)
Music: Bensound.com, song: Funky element