Here is a FUN FORMULA FOR REFLECTION for how to have more "mental" and "emotional" energy now! Let's take Einstein's Formula E = M C squared and adapt that to the busy life of modern professionals (and parents).
But first off RATE YOUR ENERGY NOW from 1 as low to 1000 as high. You could think about yesterday. What was your energy level on an average throughout the day. Got it?
So the E is for Energy in this formula and now we will work on the other side of the equation:
M = Meaning - How much meaning is there in your days? How many tasks do you do that are meaningful for you? Or how many things do you do that are simply routine and "empty of meaning? What do you do that doesn't make sense but you have to? Rate the amount of Meaning in your usual day from 1 (little real significance) to 10 (lots of heart and mindful meaning).
C = Care for Yourself - You know that when you take care of yourself with sleep, water, nutrition, exercise and purposeful living, that it is easier to give to others. Both are necessary because they recharge your batteries. So on your usual day, how much Self Care is there? How "conscious" are you of giving yourself TLC (tender loving care)? Rate that from 1 (not taking care of yourself) to 10 (consciously putting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs as a priority for you in your day to day).
C = Care for Others - Doing for others, going beyond ourselves, contributing to the greater good is also what energises your heart, mind and soul. How happy are you to care for others? Rate the enjoyment level (not time investment) in taking care of other's needs, wants and desires from 1 - 10.
Now get your sum of Energy. Multiply the numbers that you rated for each of the 3 elements: Meaning x Care for Yourself x Care for Others. What did you get? The maximum sum is 1000. Even an 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 would be a pretty good rating.
Did it click how these are interrelated? What did it make you think about? Which recent situation came to mind? How did it make you feel?
How can you increase your Energy by increasing the conscious awareness of one of these elements starting now? Post a comment below and please Like & Share this video/podcast/article so others become more aware of their energy drains to then up their energy for a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. Thanks, Diana