Digital Hospitality

Your Restaurant Sucks! | Donald Burns (The Restaurant Coach) | DH089

04.04.2021 - By Shawn P. WalchefPlay

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The Restaurant Coach Donald Burns wants to be a little voice in the back of your brain to remind you: "you can do it" — if you try.

Donald Burns (@therealrestaurantcoach) wants to help your restaurant not suck. The restaurant industry veteran, speaker, author, and coach, was a guest on our Digital Hospitality podcast where he discussed business coaching, mentorship, creating a good work culture, and more.

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As author of "Your Restaurant Sucks!" and the follow-up "Your Restaurant Still Sucks", Donald Burns has helped inspire many restaurant owners in the art of not sucking at owning a business. His third book "Your Restaurant Culture Sucks" is next.

Those attention-grabbing titles almost didn't happen. Originally Donald dreamed up the less-exciting name for his book series: Restaurant Unleashed. His expert editor wisely guided Donald toward a better title for his first book, Your Restaurant Sucks.

The non-sucky name came to him while recalling a conversation he'd had with restaurant owner who went on a rant about how: "My cooks suck. My dishwasher sucks. my bartenders suck. My hostess sucks. My managers suck. My location sucks. My guests suck."

Donald Burns let him vent and finally sat back and responded, "You know, if your restaurant sucks, it's because you suck running it."

Mic drop.

"And he was a big guy. I mean, I'm 6'3'' and he was bigger than me. Probably outweighed me by 50 pounds. He got all intense. He was getting up to get ready to come over to the table. I'm like, this is it. Just tighten up my jaw; he's going to punch me right here."

Then something important happened. Growth.

"He sat back in his chair, and I'll never forget, he let out a deep breath. He goes, "you know, you're right. This is all my fault." And I said, "Alright, let's get to work."

Guess what happened next? Donald said that exact same man who complained about everything sucking around him, did a year of coaching and now he has the highest profits he's ever made in his life.

People will send Donald Burns messages complaining about the titles of his books, but his response is the same as it was to the restaurant owner we mentioned before. "Listen, if you're upset about the title of a book, your restaurant might suck."

That's just what some business owners need to hear in order to grow and not suck.

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The Restaurant Coach™

While there are many people who are restaurants coaches, there's only one official "The Restaurant Coach." Donald Burns trademarked the name 2008 after he saw the registered TM was wide-open to register.

Even The Restaurant Coach himself has long had a business coach. Just like a therapist needs a therapist, even a coach needs a coach.

Donald Burns' mission is to help motivated independent restaurant owners find success in the hospitality industry without having to give up their life to the business.

"The foundation of any coaching program to me is culture," Donald Burns said on the Digital Hospitality podcast.

"What separates the good restaurants from the great?" he asked. "To me, it is culture. And culture is created by the leader.

"Culture flows down, it doesn't flow up and culture is created by you, the owner."

But creating a thriving restaurant culture that doesn't suck (and actually succeeds, too) takes effort and introspection.

"The ones who are most successful have actually taken this whole thing about taking culture seriously and they've taken an active role in creating their culture," Donald said about restaurant owners improving their business' culture.

"I say your biggest job as an owner is to be a preacher, is to be a culture preacher.

"And every day you're preaching from the good book of ...

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