Energy doesn't lie, people do. We live in a world and system of constant deception to maintain inequality, greed, hoarding, and committing the most heinous, racist, and disgusting psychopathic behavior any inhumane person can do. We expose them because they need to be stopped. Period. We will not be silenced; we will be the collective liberation that will bring them all to the Hague. Inshallah, Glory be to GOD. Amen. ase.
To read :
It is time to wake up and take action by any means necessary to stop genocide in Palestine, Congo, and Sudan and start dismantling capitalism. These psychopaths need to be held accountable for their crimes and for stealing from others.
Healing ❤️🩹 is endless because of oppression, colonialism, and capitalism. We need to dismantle this as it creates inhumane actions, stop enabling sadists, narcissistic and do the decolonization work 💯⛓️💥🧿 I’ve channel message on my TikTok about this. It's time to continue healing and keep resisting. It took a while to get this message across. This is the truth that needs to be exposed that these negative, demonic entities don't want you to know. The truth is their downfall. Please share. Thank you.
With some facts, history is happening in the present moment but so is change. We are the people and our ancestors, our people's prayers. Our Creator wants us to believe in what he says and to trust his promises no matter what. Holy Spirit and our ascended Masters have been training me for a while and it's only fair to share the wisdom and knowledge passed down. I am not questioning, as it is not for my understanding. Just being obedient as he/she has a plan, that only he /she will revelead to those who want to learn, hear, and be trained by him/her. This is to strengthen your faith and resilience, just like Palestinians, Yemen, Sudanese, and Congolese who are already free. It's us now to liberate ourselves with our creator's help.
part 1:
part 2:
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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to the sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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