Once more unto the breach of Halloween, dear friends, once more, as we drift dreamily into some of our listeners’ most eerie encounters! We begin tonight’s fearsome festivities with an account from Kamal, who discovered some ghostly confirmation in “Grandma’s Photo Album.” Listener Holly and her nephew are visited both day and night by a little girl they could consider “Our Imaginary Friend.” Next, while on deployment in East Africa with the Army National Guard, Zac and his fellow soldiers make “Contact in the Desert” with an otherworldly being. While giving a tour at the historic and haunted Belleview-Biltmore Hotel in Florida, Joseph gets spectrally tackled, giving him the “Groundskeeper Willies.” Damon’s story shows that even when you unwittingly stare into the void, “The Void Stares Back.” And finally, when listener Alison is supernaturally harassed and goaded to “Wake up, Ali!” she learns that we thankfully have champions in the spiritual warfare between good and evil. Please join us for our spooky season tradition, where the most astonishing thing is our listeners and their actual experiences.
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