I wanted to present these beautiful song with a different vibe.
I created a beautiful intro for the song by combining it with kanye west grammy speech 2005 and with synths that will create a beautiful atmosphere, and then I created it by adding choirs by advancing it with 808 created with prophet modeling in conjunction with epic drums.
►Follow Yuksel Urer:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/yukselurer/
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/5pZ6lhpa7…6A5A&dl_branch=1
Soundcloud: @yukselurer
Youtube: https://youtu.be/1Avgh74cGq0
Original Song Credits:
Producer: Kanye West
Producer: Federico Vindver
Producer: Angel Lopez
Producer: Timbaland
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Josh Berg
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Josh Bales
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Randy Urbanski
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Jamie Peters
Studio Personnel, Mixer, Mastering Engineer: Mike Dean
Studio Personnel, Mixer: Jess Jackson
Composer Lyricist: Kanye West
Composer Lyricist: Aaron Butts
Composer Lyricist: Federico Vindver
Composer Lyricist: Angel Lopez
Composer Lyricist: Timothy Mosley
Composer Lyricist: Fred Hammond