Our guest this week is Kurek Ashley – considered one of the most in demand first class speakers and sought after success coaches in the world!!
TOPIC: The One About The Glue And You
For over 30 years, Fortune 500 companies and major corporations around the world such as Apple, Seagate, Schwarkopf, Westin Hotels, hire Kurek to teach them tactical success strategies that have produced awe-inspiring results. His list of private clients include; Hollywood film and TV stars, movie directors, producers, and the list goes on and on… Today he shares all with us in a very candid interview.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
* Why Anthony Robbins says he is the true embodiment of the word outstanding
* Why he nearly through his manuscript of “How Would Love Respond” in the bin and now it’s a best seller
* Why money never inspires him
* What he means by the glue and you
* Why it’s never to late to have a great childhood
Join our chat after the show by CLICKING HERE NOW
To connect with Kurek directly and learn more about her work – CLICK HERE
Look forward to sharing the next episode of the YWoman Podcast Show with you next week.
Until then, remember to find your Purpose In Life, you must connect with the things that make you truly happy.
Shar Moore
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About The YWoman Podcast Show:
The YWoman Podcast Show is a new, dynamic way for you to get the life success tips from industry leaders who have “Been there, done that” and are walking their walk! We know you’re busy, so it’s a fluff and puff free zone so you get what you need to succeed… quickly so you can implement it right away!
Sometimes in life you need to stop and smell the vindaloo! The YWoman Podcast Show will certainly spice up your life, especially when you meet Rani Pataks! Get ready to laugh as you learn more about business and living your best life.