#31- How much is your time really worth? In today's episode Nick Zizi, shares proven time management strategies to maximize your life by maximizing your time. Every second, every minute that goes by will never be replenished. Making your time count is making your life count.
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Show Notes:
In this episode, we're going to discuss the true value of time and proven time management strategies that you can implement today to get the most from your time.
How much is your time worth?
They've said I don't like wasting time because time is money. The truth is time isn't money. We need to change our philosophy, our mindset, our understanding of time management that time isn't money; time is not equated to money.
What is time really worth?
It's worth everything. It is priceless. There's no price tag that you can put on your time.
When you think about time, you've got to think about it more than just money. So managing your time is managing your life.
What is really important for you?
Is it working two jobs? Is it working your main job, and you have two side hustles? Is it you spending hours and perhaps even countless hours and days away from your family where you don't have that quality time with your children, with your spouse? Is that what it is? Or is there more to it?
If we spend our entire lives work more hours, working hard, we'll never have time to spend or invest in the lives of the people we love. Just keep in mind that time management is life management.
Strategies to help you manage your life and time better
The first strategy is to plan your day. It's been said that if you fail to plan, you're planning to fail. If you fail to plan your day, you're planning to have an unproductive day.
And when you're working on that plan, you have a list of tasks you have to do. These are things that you want to get done that day, and you work on it. You want to make sure that you work from top to bottom.
Time wasted is life wasted. If someone wants to waste their lives, the way you do it is by wasting your time.
Teach people how to treat you.
The second strategy is to prioritize. Use the 80 20 principles. 20 principle is a popularized term for discovery by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. he Notice that 80% of the wealth and income was produced, possessed by 20% of the population, but he also noticed the rule in many other places, like 80% of his garden peas were produced by 20% of the plants. So what does this mean? Think about the 20% of the tasks that you do or the things you do, which account for 80% of the results you have in your life or the results you want to see in your life.
Focus on those you prioritize. Focus on the 20% that accounts for the 80%. This will change the game for you as it relates to your time management.
The next strategy is to say no. You don't have to say yes to every request. Learn to say no to the things that you can't do.
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