Hello I’m Zhiwei, a neuroscience PhD and right now a Feldenkrais practitioner, currently based in Bali Indonesia.
In this episode I’m thrilled to share my conversation with my teacher, internationally renowned Feldenkrais trainer, Julie Peck. She is also the co-author of the book, “Moving from the Inside Out, 7 principles for ease and mastery in movement”.
As a beginner Feldenkrais practitioner, I have so many questions for Julie! And as always, she gave her unique answers, sometimes surprising, always inspiring.
I hope this episode is enjoyable to you.
You can find me on my website: movefreeli.org
Or send me email:
[email protected]I'd love to hear from you!
3:36 Why choose to become educational director for Kelowna Feldenkrais Teachers’ Training? What’s special about this training?
11:01 Different styles of Feldenkrais learners: are you more cognitive or more sensory?
29:53 As a new practitioner, how to gain confidence in doing Function Integration?
51:34 Julie’s initial clientele; How to gain trust from the clients?
Feldenkrais method is about giving people agency.
1:05:35 Potent self is being your authentic self
Fundamentals of Feldenkrais Method don’t change over time.
1:17:54 How to present Feldenkrais Method to the public?
Do not convince people. Look at their organization instead.