Are you tired of living like negative Nellie and believing the lie that nothing in your life can change? Are you tired of shaking hands with the enemy and forming a partnership?
When we take the thoughts he feeds us we become partners in his lies. When we get quiet and pray, we can see who is behind it all. We must take our own thoughts captive and hold them up to the light of the truth.
But, you say - what can I do about it? A huge part of shifting your mindset is about making a decision. A decision that you want more. A decision that you want different. The key to the shift lies in your belief, words, and actions.
You must change your belief system and decide whose report you will believe. Partner with God instead – he is your creator and he has plans for you - dream big dreams and believe for bigger, brighter, and better days. In today's episode, I show you a simple, yet effective process to shift your mindset when you're in a bit of a funk.