Often times I re-evaluate if I’m on the right track, making sure I don’t go off course. But the truth is, it’s absolutely okay to stray off if that’s what needs to be explored in the moment. Being off course, bored, and even frustrated is what can spark us to keep going and make the wins worthwhile.
Being an artist doesn’t mean you’re full of inspiration, motivation or creating constantly, wouldn’t that be amazing? The truth is we reach a plateau of creatives block, stagnancy or burn out. When the passion dies, and you’re left with a big question mark on what to do next —
How do you stay inspired? If you don’t rely on inspiration, how do you find motivation?
Creating this episode wasn’t necessarily out of inspiration, rather a need to explore these questions and share them with whoever feels called to listen. I’ve had the privilege to hear other artists processes, their downfalls and wins — so I hope you take these episodes with a grain of salt. Be open and take what works for you and your practice, leaving what doesn’t.
Reaching a space of feeling uninspired is a common fork in the road — plateau of creative block or / burn out. At this point you need to decide on what you need to do next to serve your purpose. Sometimes you’re just bored of what you’re doing & when this happens it’s great to use this time to explore. This doesn’t mean the journey you’re on is over, but perhaps in the moment it needs to be, to start something new.
✨Or a whole new hobby/career if you feel most called to — it’s never too late to start over
⬇️Setting Yourself Up For Success ⬇️
When I feel uninspired, I like to make it a habit to set myself up for success even if I don’t feel like it. Practicing simple exercises and habit building that make the process to create EASY & NON-EXCUSABLE.
✨Prepping your space & tools the night before sos everything is well prepared to get started. Clear space = Clear mind — But even creating from a bad head space is good, so as long as you express it and move the energy around then it served it’s purpose
✨3 Minute Loose Doodles — Just like it says, don’t be afraid of a blank canvas and let loose whatever comes to mind. This is something you can practice as a simple doodle, or the underlay of a painting since it’ll get covered up anyways! Let loose, and have fun.
⬇️Inspiration Comes With Boredom ⬇️
Sometimes the best ideas, sparks or inspiration come from doing absolutely nothing.
Especially during a time that social media is primarily how we communicate, entertain and do business. It can be addictive, so our mind goes into auto pilot scrolling through social media & receiving instant gratification. How can we be bored & just sit still when these things exist?
✨Block out time for your sacred practice (it can be anything that benefits you — Journalling, reading, creating, meditating, moving, exercising)
✨Notice the action of you reaching for your phone, pivot and do something else
Have you noticed that just like it’s impossible to be happy all of the time, same goes for inspiration. Be bored.
In the end of the day, inspiration comes and goes and that’s okay. As long as you are true to the path of your Dharma / Life’s Purpose — for me that looks like creating in any form — then you’re on the right track. Remember that you’re on no other timeline than your own, enjoy the process, it’s yours to create.
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