When we think about professional development, we often look to external resources. For example, if I spend fourteen hours a day working, I’m sure I’ll get that promotion. If I sign on five more clients, I’m doing the best for my business. But sometimes, a results-oriented mindset can end up bogging you down, causing you to plateau.
Gretchen Schott, Chief Learning Officer at Threefold, believes that by changing our own behaviors and beliefs, we can create positive change. She helps companies redirect their focus to individual employees and their overall well-being. By investing more resources into people, you can expect not only new growth but also a more fulfilled team.
How does Gretchen continue to inspire others? By making Zero Excuses and encouraging those around her to reassess their priorities.
After You Listen:
- Connect with Gretchen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gretchenschott/
- Learn more about Threefold: https://www.growthreefold.com/
- Listen to Made for Impact: https://podcasts.apple.com/ru/podcast/made-for-impact/id1628873464?l=en
- Connect with Nick: https://www.linkedin.com/in/smarrelli/
- Learn more about GadellNet Consulting Services: https://gadellnet.com/