
中铁电工国际专题片MixDown Demo

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Studying all changes in the world and upholdingintegrity as cornerstones for innovation and vision;
  Being inclusive and pursuingwisdom for a dream-come-true.

With 50 years of experience, we at China Railway Electric IndustryCo., Ltd. have taken electrified railway development in China as our mission,seeking to be the leader in the high-speed railway equipment manufacturingindustry!

For the past 50 years, we have experienced goodtimes and bad in our pursuit of science and technology and become the “nationalteam” for research on electrified railway equipment!

Committed over the past 50 years, we have helpedimprove urban rail transit power supply equipment as the pioneer in thedevelopment of home-made urban rail transit power supply equipment!
 We are China’s largest enterprise specialized inmaking products such as power supply equipment and sound barriers forelectrified railways and urban rail transit. We are a wholly-owned subsidiaryof China Railway Electrification Bureau Group, andsub-subsidiary of China Railway Group Limited, a fortune global 500 company. In2014, the factory management office of China Railway Electrification BureauGroup restructured as China Railway Electric Industries. Now our companypossess six wholly-owned subsidiaries: Baoding Railway Transformer Branchcompany, Baoji Line Parts company, Baoding Catenary Product company, DeyangCatenary Product company, Baoji Electrical equipment test center company andBeijing Tiediantonglian Environmental science & technology company and twojoint-venture holding companies: Beijing Self-Creation Electric company andBaoji Bao De Li Electrification Equipment company.

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陈飞扬国际专题片系列By 陈飞扬英语配音大师