In the 9th episode of Ziggy 303 as well as the return of the podcast, my guest Zay and I dive into moral philosophies. We look at the idea if humans truly have free will and if people are naturally good or evil. Then, we move into ethics, specifically virtue and divine ethics. After, we transition into the political state of the United States. We give our opinions on the current state and future direction of politics in the United States. Also, we discuss what policies we would change and government conspiracies. Next, we quickly discuss some updates in our lives. We look at what we have going on currently and our current goals for the near future. Lastly, we dive into death and the afterlife. We talk about what our last meal would be. Then, we discuss whether there is a heaven, hell, or nothing. After, we talk about what we would change in our lives currently and if we are scared of death.