Northern Papist Liberals need to read and answer the following:
2. Can you name one case in all history in which a white civilization failed to deteriorate after intermarrying with Negroes?
3. Can you name one case in all history of a stable, free civilization that was predominantly, or even substantially, Negro?
5. You say the Negro “hasn’t had a chance.” Going back to the beginning of history, what chances has the white man had that he didn’t
make for himself, and what chances has the Negro lacked that he couldn’t have made for himself, had he had the capacity?
6. You speak of human rights. What human right is greater than the right of a civilization to defend itself against destruction?
7. Did Abraham Lincoln, or Thomas Jefferson, or John Marshall, or Andrew Jackson, or Daniel Webster, or any other great statesman of
our past, or any Supreme Court in our history prior to Earl Warren’s, favor forcing social integration on the South or consider that its
customs in this respect were a denial of equal opportunity or contrary to any other American ideals?
9. With reference to international appeasement, which is more in the interests of world progress: that an advanced civilization should
remodel itself to suit the wishes of backward peoples, or that the advanced civilization should maintain those policies which have
distinguished it from backward peoples?
The whole matter can really be put in a nutshell: a gullible, trusting nation has been misled by various minority groups with their own
self-interest at stake into believing that Negroes have an inborn capacity for Western civilization equal to the white race. Race and Reason by Carlton Putnam