A long time ago I introduce myself. Here It goes.
But before who are you and how are you?
I am ZitaZoo a woman on a mission, and the mission is to help you succeed.
I have been an entrepreneur in wheelchairs for over 13 years and know the challenges that come with it. I really understand what it takes to overcome adversity and get back up again when life knocks you down. I have dedicated myself to helping others find their own path of success by turning knowledge into understanding and love so they/we can communicate more effectively in business, love, and personal settings.
In addition to being an entrepreneur, I mentor other entrepreneurs, professionals like lawyers, doctors, teachers alike who are looking for ways to work more effectively in their field of expertise or find their voice as they grow in any given industry.
The name Living is Giving says it all. When you realize that your emotions and the communication with those around you are one and the same, then life becomes a lot easier. Emotions + Communication = Love. Relationship between you and everything in your surroundings. Communication, understanding, love, and positivity. Focus on being you as you want to be. Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows.
Now, who are you and how are you?
Walk with Love /ZitaZoo