How to handle yourself when you're faced with rumors that are untrue about you and how to try to stay strong when people lie about you, does Facebook listen to people's conversations?, Google listens to conversations, probation listens in to Facebook conversations, probation reads Facebook Messenger, Facebook listens to everything, people that be hating, to win is to be indifferent, indifference is the key to success when faced with adversity, how to tell if someone is talking about you, small town gossip, Facebook listens to your conversations and puts ads up, how Facebook targets you, Facebook listens to your private conversations, Google listens to your private conversations, Siri listens to your private conversations, Facebook is for losers this is a general rant about how we are losing privacy and evidence that I have seen that both Google and Facebook listen to our conversations and if you're on parole or probation you need to watch out because they have access to your information.