The Rapture came and went and we’re still here, so we went ahead and recorded a show for you. We all work through our Rapture disappointment in different ways. We did it by talking about:
Beth loves Zoe’s new tutorThe LandCruiser is running again thanks to Beth’s wrenching skillzVoicemails from Tim of For Whatever Reason, Dale from the Badger Cast, Big C of Bearcrawling, and Jake from SwitzerlandThe Sure ThingZoe’s stick-shift driving lessons were shut down by The ManBeth’s Dancing With The Stars predictionsBeth’s word of the week: Middle Youth – people 30-45 years old who still think they’re young …and much, much more. So check it out if you’re going to meet us at the pearly gates.
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(530) HAM-BATS / (530) 426-2287
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