Happy Ladies Day Monday! Box and Zombie are back with a short and sweet podcast. Topics include Box' stand up class, Chris Kluwe being cut by the Vikings, Ricky Rubio in Puerto Rico and more! As always, leave your thoughts on topics discussed in the comments below and be sure to subscribe in iTunes.
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The TCS Weekly Rundown --
- Happy Ladies Day!
- Box' mom in LA and his stand up class.
- Zombie's Gopher Update Tubby Smith's Minneapolis townhome still chillin' ...
- Box stumbles on the Brady Bunch house during a random stroll.
- Prior to being cut by the Vikings, Chris Kluwe spoke at St John's University. And after being cut he played music at Cause in Uptown.
- Gopher football coach Jerry Kill eating at campus dining hall.
- Josh Groban and Russell Peters crossing paths in Minneapolis validates TCStarlight.com.
- Some Wolves and Ricky Rubio vacation in Puerto Rico, is this okay?!
- Flip Saunders back with the Timberwolves!
- Tracy Morgan was at the Pantages.
- Rob Delaney at Wits and Joke Joint, where RT Rybak is in attendance.
- The TCS Week Ahead; Limp Bizkit, Red Sox, White Sox and more!
Mike 'Box' Elder is the editor dude for TCStarlight.com. He jumps, jumps up and gets down. Follow him on Twitter @mikeboxelder and on Instagram.
Zombie is a TCStarlight podcast personality. He loves Trader Joes. Follow him on Twitter @ZombieWill and on Instagram.
More TCS Weekly --
TCS Weekly #27.2 w/ Box and Zombie
TCS Weekly #26 w/ Box and Zombie
TCS Weekly #25 w/ Box and Zombie