In this episode I explained how in order to move forward into this new decade we need to reflect on what we learned in 2019, and decide how we want to live in 2020. Here are my tips for todays episode.
1.) You do not have the time or energy to allow toxic relationship or friendships in 2020. If someone is not putting in as much effect into the relationship as you are, they are not worth your time, and that is okay.
2.) Working more hours to make more money will not buy you happiness in 2020. Setting boundaries for your work life and your personal life will help prevent you from burning out.
3.) Other people’s opinions of you do not matter in 2020. The thing on your heart even if it is risky, you need to do for you and on one else. You never know if it will end up being the best thing that ever happened to you. Do not let other people hold you back from doing what is right for you. Live your life for you, and no one else in 2020. That is not selfish girl, it’s called self love and you deserve it all.
Those all the tips that I have for you today, thank you for listening and I hope 2020 is your best year yet!