On April 23, the GSA and the PPAHS will host the 2024 WSC Spotlight: Unmet Need in Sepsis Diagnosis and Therapy – free of charge and fully virtual.
Sign up at wscspotlight.org to participate live on April 23, 2024.
Throughout 9 distinctive sessions, globally renowned clinicians, researchers, experts, and thought leaders will cover the need for early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in surgical patients, data, AI, and predictive modeling in sepsis, how hypervolemia increases the mortality rate in sepsis, the role of biomarkers, detecting sepsis in ventilated patients, pediatric sepsis, including the new ‘Phoenix Criteria’, as well as personalized approaches to sepsis management.
The congress will be held in English and is open to everyone with an internet connection. For more information on the program, speakers, and time zones, and to register for free, please visit https://www.wscspotlight.org/
The 2024 World Sepsis Congress Spotlight is a project by the Global Sepsis Alliance, initiator of World Sepsis Day and World Sepsis Congress, and the PPAHS.
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