In this episode of 3 Dollar Podcast, Jess discusses her disappointment in herself through her love of Chili's salsa, her 48 hour diluted juice cleanse, and Ronnie from the Jersey Shore. If today's episode was a fine wine, it would be called "Rain, stahp!".
We lost our girl on April 18th, 2018. An inevitable sense of homesick is the only way to describe the pain. Please help support our girl, in any way you can, and/or through the two GoFundMe's listed before. One is a contribution to the Lee family in helping them with the funeral procession costs and the other is a $15 donation (or higher) to buy a T-shirt in which the funds are distributed between the Lee and Diaz family. Thank you.
The Go Fund Me for the cost of Taylor's funeral processions:
Buy a t-shirt in support and memory of Taylor:
Podcast's instagram: @3DollarPodcast
Podcast's email: [email protected]
Jess's instagram: @jessensin
Jess' Spotify:
Jess' "I'll watch it later" playlist on Youtube:
Available for free on our website ( ) if you don't have the Podcast App (free) or Google Play Music (sometimes free)!