The Adelaide Show

371 - Not For Glory - Australian Women At War With Susan Neuhaus

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From the trenches of the Western Front to the ricefields and jungles of South-east Asia, Australian women have served and doctors and medical specialists from World War I until the present day. Not For Glory is a book that tells their stories of adventure, courage, sacrifice and determination as they fought to serve their country… and won. Co-author, Susan Neuhaus joins us to share some of those stories ahead of Anzac Day.

And in the Musical Pilgrimage, we hear a small snippet from South Australia's 2022 Dawn Service, lest we forget.

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Running Sheet: Not For Glory - Australian Women At War With Susan Neuhaus

00:00:00 Intro


00:00:00 SA Drink Of The Week

No SA drink segment this week.

00:03:22 Susan Neuhaus

As we approach Anzac Day 2023, I'm reminded of a review I wrote about the play, Hallowed Ground in 2019. In the play we get to meet a number of women who have served Australia, our allies, and humanity in various locations and situations in response to a deep calling to "do their part", do their service.

The production by The Shift Theatre, was adapted from the book, Not For Glory, by South Australian army veteran and surgeon, Colonel Susan Neuhaus CSC (Retd) and Dr Sharon Mascall-Dare.

I wrote back then that in light of this production and this book, I will certainly be recalling these women’s stories as part of my emotional and historical journey every Anzac Day.

And to prepare myself for this Anzac Day, and to share some extra insights with you, I have Susan Neuhaus with me now.

This simplest link for finding Not For Glory is here: Australian Women At War bookshelf page.

Susan, you spent 20 year5s in the military in both the Australian Regular Army and the Army Reserve as a clinician and a commander. You served in Cambodia, Bougainville and Afghanistan, and in 2009, you were awarded the Conspicuous Service Cross, followed in 2020 by being admitted as a Member of the Order of Australia for services to medicine.

What compelled you to serve Australia in what is referred to as conflict medicine?

How does medical work in the field differ from back in normal practice?

In small business mentoring, I have found that often I end up playing the role of confidant and counsellor. Surely that must happen in the field to a much greater degree. Can you share an example?

Are there any disciplines or procedures you learn in the military that make civilian life better (or worse)?

I want to reflect on your awards because it connects directly to the title of your book, Not For Glory. When you and so many other service people join the military to "answer a call", how does one hold the notion of medals and awards, when that was not a part of one's motivation?

What is so important about these women's stories, that has propelled you to go on the gruelling pathway of crafting a book?

What impact would you like this book to have on readers and on the military itself?

Can we look at some stories?

Through what lens do you reflect on the current situation in Ukraine?

00:48:27 Musical Pilgrimage

The most fitting music for this episode has been drawn from the 2022 Dawn Service at the South Australian War Memorial.

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