There is no more amazing reality in the Christian life than the invitation that is extended to us as children of God to come into the presence of our Father in heaven, and present our requests to the Creator of the universe. Countless books have been written, the out-breathing of those whose hearts have been conquered by Christ’s love, and swept away by His intimate and inexorable fellowship. Beyond this there is the kingdom privilege of participation in God’s eternal purposes, partnering with Him to bring His kingdom to the earth, and ensure that His will is done in our generation.
Prayer – A priceless privilege
Prayer Defined
“In its simplest definition, prayer is fellowship with God. It is the ability to work with and understand the spiritual world.” Mary Alice Isleib – Effective Fervent Prayer (ISBN 0-9629986-0-5)
For too many, prayer is a duty, and prayerlessness a nagging reminder of our ‘unspirituality’ and our affection for fleshly comforts. Like evangelism, the fact that prayer engages directly with the spiritual world of darkness makes it an area that many fail to overcome. The conflict and resistance causes it to be more of a battleground than a garden of delight, and many choose not to push through to its reward. Rightly understood and approached however, the world of prayer is for all believers, the most priceless and satisfying privilege available to mankind.
A note from the author:
Of all the modules in the course this will be the most subjective (although objective scriptural principles will be taught in some detail). Prayer, by its very nature is personal, experiential. Conner in ‘Foundations’ quotes one definition of prayer as “the soul’s sincere desire uttered or unexpressed.” It is the “very breath of spiritual life”. As such I am a fellow traveller on this road of prayer, ever more captivated by its scope, and fascinated by its possibilities.
The most amazing truth is displayed in 1 John 1:3:
“that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” (1 John 1:3-4 NKJV)
If it were not written it would be hard to believe, but we have been called into the very love fellowship of the Godhead Himself. We are called to enjoy and partake of the love, grace, power and friendship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!